No self-respecting three-day vacation with vans full of marketers is complete without a hype video. So, I shot and edited this video from an annual trip we made in grad school as a marketing group in...
I made these shirts in grad school for my fellow students in the analytics track. After presenting some options, the professor and class cheered, "Make them all!"
My favorite to design was the DAT...
30 years after my baptism, I made a spreadsheet to see how many of the available 186,150 waking hours I've spent in active religious pursuits. The answer is 8%. But so what?
I built this free calculator to help you do an early gut check about the ability of your subscription business to make money.
Failure lurks at every corner when making even the shortest of movies, so some initial naiveté is an efficient vaccine against giving up before you begin.
I received a text from a random number at at time when I happen to be feeling extroverted. The result made me laugh out loud alone in my office.
This google doc makes it easy to check and store your bulk domain name lookups.
I came to find what should have been obvious given the medium: my social media nightcap was a search not for videos, but for friendship—for connection.
Guerrilla Gallery: "Hiding" was a hit-and-run art gallery in a pedestrian tunnel in Los Angeles curated and produced by Kenny McNett and Danielle Boinay.